5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Health In The New Year
1)For the love of god, drink more water:
you’ve heard it from your doctor, your mother, your father, and all of your friends — you need to drink a sufficient amount of water every day! Water is essential for hydration and the health of all your organs.
2. Get to bed and stay there: sufficient sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. While the amount of sleep a person needs is varied, the CDC recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.
3. Find exercise that you actually want to do: like it or not, you really have to exercise. If getting to the gym always feels like torture, you’re never going to want to get off the couch. Try to remember that the benefits outweigh the cons.
4. Suck it up and eat healthy, please: this isn’t fun, especially after a holiday season that leaves you roughly 75% pie. But it can be easy, swearsies! The boring tips you’ve heard for years are all true, sorry. Eat a filling breakfast and avoid the delicious-but-terrible snacks in your office by keeping your own stash of healthy options in your desk. Try nuts, fruit, or snack bars. Make sure to incorporate filling proteins and greens into your lunch and dinner — but not too much. If you’re eating meat, make sure it’s a portion about the size of the palm of your hand. And don’t deprive yourself! If you want to eat ice cream, eat it, but keep everything in proportion. You’re gonna do great!
5. Find what makes you happy: mental health is equally important as physical, and we need to start recognizing that! If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or depressed, it’s time to address it. Take some time for yourself out of your day, whether it’s by watching your favorite show, reading a book, doing your makeup, taking a relaxing bath, or just taking a walk around the block to get a coffee. You are valuable and worthy. You’re getting healthy this year because you rock!
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